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Faculty and students from BME recently participated in a new science outreach event at NC State and UNC as part of the first ever National Biomechanics Day. With support from the Rehabilitation Engineering Core and the College of Engineering, Jacque Cole at NC State and Jason Franz at UNC organized the events locally, welcoming a total of 65 8th-12th graders and their teachers and parents to participate in interactive biomechanics activities and demonstrations. National Biomechanics Day, sponsored by the American Society of Biomechanics, seeks to foster the development of Biomechanics as a component in high school curricula across the country. It was a terrific opportunity to showcase the cutting edge biomechanics research going on in our department and across our institutions. We will continue to showcase our biomechanics research and faculty this August, when meeting co-chairs Kate Saul and Greg Sawicki help us host the annual meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics in Raleigh.

UNC spotlights our participation in National Biomechanics Day:

Also, check out some cool pictures and videos on Instagram for the local event and our local event.

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